Cognitive Assessment

Cognitive Assessment

Cognitive Concerns? If you're worried about your cognitive function, it's important to assess your current state and potential risks. Common Question: "How does my cognition compare to others my age?" You have two options for testing at our clinic: Option 1: MoCA –...

Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Make Your Own Cleaning Products

Do you have skin issues, allergies or autoimmunity? You will benefit from taking a good look at what you are using to clean the house and also on your body! Did you know that chronic skin irritation is mostly caused by synthetic fragrances found in household cleaning...

Pain Management Strategies

Pain Management Strategies

PAIN MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Pain is a very common condition. Pain may be anything from a dull ache to a sharp stab and can range from mild to extreme. You may feel pain in one part of your body or it may be widespread. There are two types of pain. ACUTE PAIN – a normal...

Zinc Eradicates Warts!

Zinc Eradicates Warts!

I'm sure everyone has experienced warts sometime in their life, but did you know you can eradicate them with natural therapies, particularly zinc - a little old mineral !? What are warts? Warts are rapid growth of the outer layer of the skin leading to raised bumps...

Rethinking Intermittent Fasting

Rethinking Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting - Good or Bad? Like intermittent fasting anyone? I do! This study has shown we may need to consider it further. Eating between 12 pm and 8 pm was compared to eating 3 meals per day and there was a drop in muscle mass in the fasting group!!...

Liver Detox, How It Works!

Liver Detox, How It Works!

Have you ever wondered how the body detoxifies? One of the primary function of the liver is to detoxify the body of waste products within its Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways. Phase I and II detoxification Phase I detoxification takes waste products and...

Understanding Gut Health

Understanding Gut Health

Gut Health Gut Health is key to our overall wellbeing! It seems as though everyone is talking about it, self-prescribing supplements, using fermented foods, often not finding any relief from their symptoms. From the beginning to the end of digestion the gut has it all...

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine

Lifestyle Medicine If we where to check the meaning of the word "lifestyle", its defined by the way a person chooses to live, and medicine is defined as anything that is used to treat or prevent disease. Lifestyle medicine has its roots well and truly in naturopathic...

Diabetes explained…

Diabetes explained…

Diabetes Part 1 - the basics According to the Diabetes Australia health report more than 100,000 Australians have developed diabetes in the past year and 280 Australians develop diabetes every day. If that isn’t enough to get your attention, every six seconds a person...