The vaginal microbiota and pH has a lot to do with improving your vaginal ecosystem. This system is dominated by D-lactate-producing lactobacilli species. An unhealthy pH, that is one that has a pH >4.5, is a clear indication of a problematic ecosystem (in...
A Podcast Episode- A Patient Story on ‘Ovarian Cysts’
I recently did a podcast with Daniel on A Patient Story where I share a story on how I resolved my client’s ovarian cysts. Have a listen if you also suffer from ovarian cysts, cysts generally, or inflammation, this will be useful. You can listen to it here. Maria...
PMS – Want To Boost Performance, Alertness & Memory?
I love this article written by Sara Dunstan from bioconcepts, understanding how hormones and neurotransmitters effect us, highlighting how intricate and complicated the human body is! But most importantly for those of you who want to learn more about how to optimise...
The Crucial Role of Calcium in PMS
For most women we don't need to explain PMS stands for! Premenstrual syndrome! Let's explain it a little, it's a very common condition that affects many women during certain days of the menstrual cycle, usually before the menstrual bleed. The symptoms are so common...
All You Need To Know About Yeast Infections
What Are Yeast Infections? Yeasts are tiny organisms belonging to the fungi group (mushrooms & mould). When there are problems with the type and numbers of your beneficial flora, overgrowth becomes problematic in the body and can lead to over growth of yeast!...