Are You Meeting Adequate Protein Intake? We know we all want to eat healthily and need to meet adequate protein but what does that actually look like for each meal? If we want to maintain a normal body weight not just to look good but to serve our body, avoid becoming...
Juice Cleanse with Nadia K
Ever wanted to do a juice cleanse? Well, we have partnered with Nadia K, who has become the juice cleanse guru! Nadia can assist you with info about this type of cleanse and provide you with her perfect juices also! Juice cleanses can be useful at certain times when...
Gluten-Free Diet Explained
This handout from Eagle Natural Health below is a great outline of a gluten-free diet. It can be a daunting experience to go gluten-free but finding out what alternatives you can work with and getting all the resources can help with the transition. There are many...
Bones and Prunes for Postmenopausal Women!
It's very interesting and exciting when science discovers easy interventions that can be implemented to improve our health! Dried plums aka prunes as low as 50 grams per day (around 6 prunes a day) have proven to be a dietary intervention that has the ability to...
Understanding The Glycemic Index & Load of Food
What is the Glycemic Index (GI)? All carbohydrate foods behave differently in our bodies and the Glycemic Index (GI) is a way to differentiate the ranking of foods according to their effect on our blood sugar levels. High GI foods produce high levels of blood sugar...
FREE Introduction to Nutritional Psychiatry by Rachel Arthur
My long time mentor Rachel Arthur has created this amazing video which helps us understand the role NUTRITION has on our MOOD! This is an absolute must watch for everyone, weather that be for yourself, or to understand what others possibly close to you may be going...
Your Gut Health Took Kit
I want to share with you this great information on how we can improve our gut health by Metagenics. They show us not only the benefits of these nutrients in supplemental form, but the food sources that are high in each nutrient. We can incorporate this straight away...
Long-Term Dietary Patterns and the Gut Microbiome
This recent study looks at the importance of consistent healthy eating to modulate the gut microbiome and decrease intestinal inflammatory markers. The gut microbiome has considerate effects on our body, largely the immune system. Eating whole foods such as legumes,...
Do you constantly feel tired and/or weak? Could it be chronic fatigue? Fatigue can be felt physically, mentally or a combination of both. What really separates fatigue from just feeling ‘tired’ is that fatigue is either felt constantly or in ‘waves’ that aren’t...
5 Tips To Get Your Health Through Christmas
The festive season is a time for family, friends and enjoying all of that amazing festive food. Although delicious, sometimes we can feel a little sluggish after over-indulging in foods and drinks we don’t usually consume – But don’t let it get you down! The great...
‘The Pantry Detox’ with Supermarket Swap
Pantry Detox - It's Here! I teamed up with Nabula from Supermarket Swap to create this FREE guide. This is a great way to get started in identifying foods that have nasty additives or chemicals that aren't good for you or your loved ones! Learn what to watch...
Calcium, fish oil, and multivitamins enhance the health benefits of a healthy diet
Check out this interesting article for those of you interested in understanding more about how strongly nutrition influences health outcomes, and importantly how supplementation fits into the equation! Enjoy 🙂 Calcium, fish oil, and multivitamins enhance the health...
Zinc Eradicates Warts!
I'm sure everyone has experienced warts sometime in their life, but did you know you can eradicate them with natural therapies, particularly zinc - a little old mineral !? What are warts? Warts are rapid growth of the outer layer of the skin leading to raised bumps...
The Crucial Role of Calcium in PMS
For most women we don't need to explain PMS stands for! Premenstrual syndrome! Let's explain it a little, it's a very common condition that affects many women during certain days of the menstrual cycle, usually before the menstrual bleed. The symptoms are so common...
PH Balance Can Affect Mood
Do you know your daily acid load? All foods have an acidic or alkalising effect on the body, it is important to determine whether your diet is more acidic or alkaline overall. High dietary acid load There is new evidence showing a direct correlation between...
Mediterranean Diet Improves Inflammatory Bowel Diseases!
Mediterranean Diet on Inflammatory Bowel Disease This study showed for those with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease that a Mediterranean Diet followed for 6 months significantly reduced malnutrition-related parameters and...
Is It Your Mood or Just An Iron Issue?
Iron deficiency Nearly everyone knows that iron deficiency causes tiredness and fatigue but it's one of the best kept secrets that iron deficiency causes much more than a tired body! When we are fatigued we are not motivated for a start! But iron deficiency also...
Eat Only Meat – Carnivory Anyone? Part 1
Trialing the Carnivore Diet All Meat Month – give or take a day! Become a carnivore for a month maybe? I have been thinking about this a lot lately and this is my take on it for now. For a start I have a personal bias towards animal products, good clean meats...
All You Need To Know About Yeast Infections
What Are Yeast Infections? Yeasts are tiny organisms belonging to the fungi group (mushrooms & mould). When there are problems with the type and numbers of your beneficial flora, overgrowth becomes problematic in the body and can lead to over growth of yeast!...
SIBO – Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth!!
What is SIBO? SIBO is a condition where excessive amounts of bacteria, found in the large intestine move to the small intestine (where you absorb all your nutrients) where they cause issues because that is not where they should reside! This causes hydrogen, methane...