Have you got a ‘Diet Mindset'? The word 'diet' actually just means food that you eat! In our modern world, it's become a term that conjures up feelings of deprivation, starvation and punishment promising more than what can be delivered in the long term but useful in...
PCOS’s and the Insulin Factor
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Polycystic ovaries (PCO) and Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are reproductive issues. PCO is defined by multiple cystic growths on the ovaries, whereas PCOS is a syndrome that mimics the same symptoms as PCO but without the...
PMS – Want To Boost Performance, Alertness & Memory?
I love this article written by Sara Dunstan from bioconcepts, understanding how hormones and neurotransmitters effect us, highlighting how intricate and complicated the human body is! But most importantly for those of you who want to learn more about how to optimise...
High INSULIN Levels Effect Your Health!
Insulin When you think about hormones, for most, estrogen and testosterone come to mind, but understanding about the hormone Insulin , may be one of the most important hormones to get your head around, as it is often thought that unless you have diabetes you don't...
Lifestyle Medicine
Lifestyle Medicine If we where to check the meaning of the word "lifestyle", its defined by the way a person chooses to live, and medicine is defined as anything that is used to treat or prevent disease. Lifestyle medicine has its roots well and truly in naturopathic...
Diabetes explained…
Diabetes Part 1 - the basics According to the Diabetes Australia health report more than 100,000 Australians have developed diabetes in the past year and 280 Australians develop diabetes every day. If that isn’t enough to get your attention, every six seconds a person...
Outspoken Podcast – Gut Health, Skin, Immunity and Periods
We Talk Gut Health, Skin, Immunity And Periods With Clinical Nutritionist & Naturopathic Practitioner Maria Harpas We discuss how to improve your immune system, how to have better skin, the importance of gut health and what our period is really telling us. In...
Treating Menopause with Accupuncture
Menopause can be a difficult subject to broach. Its not a topic of open conversation for most women, so many will suffer in silence. Standard medical treatment options involve Hormone Replacement Therapy, but what if this is not an option for you? Women are told there...
Overtraining: How Stress Impacts Our Hormones
Overtraining: How Stress Impacts Our Hormones Weight training, fasting, cardio, cutting calories, food restrictions, skipping meals …The only way to progress with our fitness goals is to do more, right? Extreme dieting is becoming more and more prevalent with the...
CONTRACEPTIVES PILLS: What Are Some of the Impacts For Women?
CONTRACEPTIVES PILLS - Whats the Real Impact For Women? There is no doubt when oral contraceptive pills (OCP) came to life, the excitement was palatable. We couldn't believe our luck, we thought our dreams had been answered - an easy solution to our contraception...
THYROID – Are You Undiagnosed?
Thyroid - Are you undiagnosed? Have you really had your thyroid checked? It's quite common to have your thyroid checked as part of the standard, routine tests, yet usually the only check made to assess thyroid status is the hormone known as Thyroid Stimulating Hormone...
Depression If you have struggled most of your life with depression, been on an antidepressant for as long as you can remember, find it difficult to find joy in anything, feel tired more often than not, then maybe its time to take a closer look at your biochemistry!...
Anxiety, Depression and the MTHFR Connection!
Anxiety, Depression and the MTHFR Connection! Recently there has been a lot of press around mood issues such as anxiety and depression and the possibility, that the cause is connected to a genetic mutation, of the MTHFR gene (methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). This...
Liver Detox – Do You Have Signs of Toxicity?
Liver-Detox-Toxicity Our modern lifestyles now rely on an increasingly high amount of chemicals to meet our needs, these include food additives, pharmaceuticals, cleaning products, hygiene products, cosmetics, plastics, petrochemicals, industrial pollutants, heavy...
A Natural Approach to Managing Depression
It was like I was trapped in a hole with a broken leg - and I still thought I could get out on my own and be fine." This description came from one of our clients, Betsy (name changed for privacy). It describes how she felt when trying to lose weight while also feeling...