What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Leaky-Gut-Syndrome, more technically known as a 'hyper-permeable gut’, is a condition where the cells of our intestine begin to ‘unstick’ from one another. These cells in our intestine are a part of a protective lining which protects us...
All You Need To Know About Yeast Infections
What Are Yeast Infections? Yeasts are tiny organisms belonging to the fungi group (mushrooms & mould). When there are problems with the type and numbers of your beneficial flora, overgrowth becomes problematic in the body and can lead to over growth of yeast!...
SIBO – Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth!!
What is SIBO? SIBO is a condition where excessive amounts of bacteria, found in the large intestine move to the small intestine (where you absorb all your nutrients) where they cause issues because that is not where they should reside! This causes hydrogen, methane...
Food Intolerance and the Health of Your Gut
Food Intolerances or Allergies? What do we mean by food intolerance? When nuts, dairy, soy, wheat, yeast and gluten are making you bloated, giving you gut pain, diarrhoea, wind, heart burn or you generally don't feel well and are fatigued you may well have an...