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Let’s make a better baby


This is one of the most important times in our lives – building a strong, happy and healthy baby or babies!

If you were anything like I was in my pregnancies, you have a lot of worry about whether you are doing everything you should and can be, wondering if you can do things better or if there is anything you have missed. Getting bits of information from here and there and finding it difficult to know exactly what to take and do, is frustrating and time consuming.

For Mums

How  to Increase Your Energy

The best kept secret is the one that comes after our first born arrives!

We prepare so much for the birth the baby room, the baby clothes, the pram, but no one ever tells us exactly how we are going to feel after the birth! Lack of, or no sleep, sore, cracked and bleeding nipples, breast feeds that last for 1 hour, you might never again complete a task from start to finish without interruption and so of course its understandable that tiredness can set in due to these physical and psychological adjustments.

Videos & Podcasts


Nutrients for Baby & Mum

So, you want to make a baby!

Our Super Nutrient for Baby Making ebook will give you, your nutrient checklist in detail and how to find those nutrients in your diet. We have included charts that show you the foods highest in the most important nutrients to make a healthy baby.

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Your Personal Health Support Team

We are here to support and guide you with our team of practitioners, directed by Maria Harpas. We use pathology testing to assess your health and risks to allow us to develop a treatment plan just for YOU. We can also work closely with your GP. We coordinate your treatment, and measure your progress. The best outcome for YOU is what we want.